

On this day

18 January 1628

Det Trondhjemske regiment ble opprettet. Regimentet bestod av tre infanterikompanier fra Trondhjems len samt det tidligere oppsatte Jämtlandske kompani. Første sjef var lensherren, oberstløytnant Jens Hermansson Juel. Fra 1718 til 1789 var... Read more ...

18 January 1628

Det Trondhjemske regiment ble opprettet
Det Trondhjemske regiment ble opprettet. Regimentet bestod av tre infanterikompanier fra Trondhjems len samt det tidligere oppsatte Jämtlandske kompani. Første sjef var lensherren, oberstløytnant Jens Hermansson Juel.

Fra 1718 til 1789 var regimentet delt i tre regimenter. Første regiment hadde kompanier i Innherred; andre regiment hadde kompanier i Nordmøre, Romsdal, Meldal og Oppdal; tredje regiment hadde kompanier i Orkdal, Selbu, Gauldalen og Fosen.

Fra 1789 til 1817 var de tre regimentene samlet i to: Første trondhjemske infanteriregiment og annet trondhjemske infanteriregiment. Etter 1817 var regimentene samlet i Trondhjemske infanteribrigade.

En beryktet offiser i regimentet var oberst Benedict Kress, som var kommandant ved Skånes skanse i Levanger. Kress ble henrettet i Trondheim i 1649 for å ha skutt mot sine egne soldater med kanon. Én soldat ble drept. Året før hadde han hugget i hjel en av sine soldater med kårde.



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      The Jarmann rifle - Part 2 - Shooting

    • The Jarmann rifle - Part 2 - Shooting

      The 10.15 x 61 cartridge for which the Jarmann rifle was chambered for was also used in numerous civilian firearms, for example, rifles made by Lars Hansen Hagen and Hans Larsen. This article deals with the reloading and shooting of the Jarmann rifle and the 10,15 x 61 cartridge.


    Views: 22033

    Øyvind Flatnes is owned and maintained me whose name is Øyvind Flatnes. I'm a Norwegian black powder shooter and I started this web site in February 2000. The ambition was to provide Norwegians with a black powder site in our native language, but since then most of the content is also translated to English. I'm also the author of a black powder book, which was published in March 2005. This book is currently available in Norwegian only.

    On you can read my articles about various black powder related activities, participate on the international discussion board, chat or find interesting black powder or antique firearms on the market pages. The discussion forum has become a valuable archive of interesting articles. Sign up and participate!

    About Øyvind Flatnes

    Born: 1978 in Norway.
    Location: Bergen.
    • 1994-1997: Skeisvang upper secondary school.
    • 1997-1998: Infantry squad leader in the Royal Navy's coast artillery.
    • 2000-2003: BA from the University of Bergen (UiB) with history and media science as subjects.
    • 2003-2005: MA in history from UiB. Specialised in medieval military history.
    Work: Employed as a writer in It's Learning.

    Publications by Øyvind Flatnes

    Vakre våpen svart krutt Leidang Våpenjournalen

    From left to right: The book "Vakre våpen - svart krutt", the MA thesis about the peasant levies in operational service and various articles for magazines such as Våpenjournalen, Muskedunderen, Krudtslam and Krutkorn.


    From July 2003 to July 2007 I was the editor of Muskedunderen ("The Blunderbuss"), the publication of the Norwegian Black Powder Union. Below you see some of the covers I was responsible for.

    MD nr. 4 2006 MD nr. 3 2005 MD nr. 2 2005 MD nr. 1 2005 MD nr. 4 2005 MD nr. 3 2005