

On this day

5 October 1877

Nez Perce-høvdingen Joseph overga seg og sitt folk til general Nelson A. Miles. Indianerne hadde flyktet over 1880 km gjennom Idaho, Yellowstone Park og Montana med den amerikanske i hælene etter at en gruppe unge Nez Perce-krigere angrep og... Read more ...

5 October 1877

Høvding Joseph overga seg til general Miles
Nez Perce-høvdingen Joseph overga seg og sitt folk til general Nelson A. Miles. Indianerne hadde flyktet over 1880 km gjennom Idaho, Yellowstone Park og Montana med den amerikanske i hælene etter at en gruppe unge Nez Perce-krigere angrep og drepte en gruppe hvite bosettere tidlig i 1877. Dette hendte mens resten av stammen var i ferd med å bli flyttet til et annet reservat. I frykt for reaksjoner fra hæren bestemte nez percene seg for å ta opp kampen. Etter å ha blitt avvist av crow-indianerne, bestemte de seg for å krysse grensen til Canada og søke tilflukt hos sioux-høvdingen Sitting Bull som hadde flyktet til Canada etter slaget ved Little Big Horn året før.

Under flukten utkjempet de 18 trefninger mot hæren, hvorav minst fire blir regnet for store. De måtte derimot gi tapt i slaget ved Bear Paw – kun seks mil fra den canadiske grensen.



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      Useful Reloading Equipment

    • Useful Reloading Equipment

      There is a lot of available reloading equipment for the black powder cartridge shooter. Much of it is for the especially interested shooters and most ordinary shooters can do without too much equipment. However, reloading equipment can be time-saving and may even enhance accuracy. This article presents some of the useful reloading equipment I use.

    Sharpening Dull Flints

    Category: Muzzle-loading
    Published: 18 September 2008 by Øyvind Flatnes.
    Views: 20537
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    Sharpening a flint.

    The illustration shows
    how to sharpen a flint.

    Flints that have become dull and doesn’t produce sparks does not have to be thrown away. Here is a simple way to sharpen a dull flint. There are several methods of sharpening flints. You really don't have to use any special tools, but the first method I will describe requires that you modify a steel nail: Cut off the tip, and file a notch in the end of the nail, about 1 cm in length across half the nail. The tool is now ready. To sharpen a flint, place the nail against the edge of the flint in about a 30 degree angle (see the picture). The notch should be 90 degrees. Lightly tap the nail's head with a small hammer or similar. A small flake of the flint falls off and the 'wound' where the piece fell off will be sharp. Repeat this operation along the entire edge of the flint and it will be restored to normal again. Make sure that you use safety glasses because the flying pieces of flints are razor sharp.

    Find out more!
    You can learn more on how to make the most of your flintlock in the brand new book From Musket to Metallic Cartridge: A Practical History of Black Powder Firearms.

    A more simple method is to use a small brass hammer or the spine of a knife to sharpen the flint. This is my preferred method for sharpening flints. Tap the knife spine lightly on the top of the flint edge when the flint is secured in the jaws of the cock. Flakes will fall off and sharpen the flint.

    Flints cannot be sharpened forever, and you eventually will have to replace it, but sharpening it by using the methods described above increases the service life of your flints.